Monday, December 13, 2010

Came across this on Yahoo! of the top 19 gifts nobody wants. The 'Peekaru'.

Seems oddly comforting, yet restraining. I don't know how I feel about babies being compressed to their mother's bossom. How are you supposed to eat without danger of food spilling onto fragile, infantile eyes? I wonder how you could walk around with that lump under your a parasite wiggling on your stomach. Guess it gives mothers an excuse to cloak insecurities! "Hey, you look fat." "Ah, that's just my baby." Ingenious? Useless? LOL'ed?

Onward to the actual post~

Sleep, without a doubt, is the most endearingly valuable thing to a college student. Remember the times, as a child, when sleep was a negligence, and we had to be chased by our scolding mothers and put to bed?(bath time is also applicable) it's interesting how radically that dynamic has shifted, for I know I was one of those kids. Aside the periodic bouts of somnambulism, I always acted in strife of what my parents subjected me to. Sleep was a necessary evil that stole away the diversion and excitement of the day. And now, as I haul my morose, bleary-eyed ass out of bed for my 8 a.m. class every morning, I come to realize just how cherishable such a thing has become. A lot of students here at CCA seem to never have time for it. "OMG I totally pulled an all-nighter working in the ceramics studio..." I haven't found the need to do that just yet. TIme budgeting is always a safe alternative to downing a liter of coffee from night-to-night, meticulously working on a project. Admittedly, there have been moments this semester where I've been hastily cramming for a test or such, but I am proud to say that I am very content with my workload.

I'd like to close up this post by reminding you scarce, but avid readers that I am leaving for Barcelona at the end of this week, calling or texting!

I'll be having to much fun, so "bear" with me. xD (~kidding....)

BTW I will be posting up artwork soon! Part of our final grade each semester involves a digital portfolio, which will force me to take pictures of my pieces, as opposed to scanning them on the crappy miniscule scanners in the lab, hereby saving them from camera to computer. Cool beans.

1 comment:

  1. Hey you :P

    I feel like I should just go ahead and leave a comment, seeing that I usually have something to say to most of your posts. Firstly, I definitely can relate to your sleeping conundrum (I hope I spelled that right). I feel like I've been getting decent amounts of sleep, but I always still seem to feel like my eyes are burning (a sign of tiredness, my roommate tells me), and prone to falling asleep while just "resting my head on the pillow." Hmm. I "pulled an all-nighter" so to speak, on Friday. But I guess it doesn't really count, because I really just couldn't sleep. By 4:30 I was still wide awake, so I resorted to Season One episodes of Gossip Girl until 8 in the morning.
