I know that a a lot more people read my blog that don't have an actual blogspot account(Claire and few select others >:-[ ), therefore preventing them from being listed as under my followers/friends list/whatever the social network categorizing for this site is...I realize it sounds vain for someone to just want more followers, but...what can I say? it seems like that's the only thing that speaks for itself in this internet world nowadays...plus I'll know that I'm not wasting my time dispersing tidbits about my life to an unresponsive public. I'm just wanting to share with those that are willing to be my 'followers', really...This isn't like the people who add you on facebook just because they happen to go to your school or be within your network, and then don't bother to even say hello or smile when they see you in real life. That irritates the hell out of me. I'll make an effort to stimulate the giving and receiving of feedback with my followers, and hopefully won't end up feeling like this is purposeless, otherwise this blog is tragically predisposed to fail like the one on myspace.
So, I was a little disappointed with last night's GLEE episode. I almost want to say that they casts atheists in an unintelligent light, as if they're the ignorant ones, not the bigots with delusions of a greater power. Like the acupuncture?? that was so random. There's no scientific proof that acupuncture is an accurate, safe medical practice...if they were really trying to present the whole atheist vs. religion argument, which was clearly the theme of the episode, they could have backed it with something more substantial. I dunno...just seemed like a weak, unsupporting idea to throw in. But then again, anyone could argue that kinda stuff is only relative to Chris Colfer's character. As you watchers know, there was tension running between the members of the GLEE club that believed they could improve the situation by praying for Kurt's dad, and then Kurt himself, who ardently dismissed it all and sobbed in a corner, behind the glass of the hospital room his dad was in. Ugh. SO Hollywood. The heavy emotional backdrop was a little too cheesy for my taste...especially when Rachel broke out into her melodrama about acceptance and whatnot. Bleh.
Nevertheless a great show. I just hope it doesn't amount to them relying on cameo appearances to keep the hype going...plenty of room to lose some steam after Britney.
An update on me. I've been a little stressed out lately...haven't been getting enough sleep, hormones are raging(naturally), and still looking, searching, passively harassing employers, for a job. *sigh* it's just a continuation of last summer.
Another thing that's been bothering me(not really, just mildly curious as to how the scenario will play out) is the gay roommate dilemma. Sadly enough, I've been warming up to him, we've been hanging out, cooking for each other, going to the YMCA, etc. even though I know it's going to spill sooner or later. I know where he stands on the issue although I'm not entirely sure as to how he will react. He doesn't seem like the aggressive type of devout christian but I could very well find myself in an awkward position, if it isn't awkward enough already. If anything, he'll promptly move out of the dorm(they can't force me to move out, otherwise I can file for discrimination) and hope I get as much as a smile when we cross paths on campus. That's it. He can accept me or haul ass and pack his shit and leave. Simple as that. Losing a friend comes second to keeping my dignity in tact, thanks.
Which brings up another issue...this cyber-bullying, harassment, and general disrespect of LGBT youth needs to stop. I'm so over it. Having been the only openly gay student this past year at Highland Park and having dealt with fundamentalist parents in the past I can definitely attest to fending off some truly shitty people and being brought down by their sick, self-concocted negativity. Go and have yourself educated before you speak...if God hates anyone, as you claim, it's you guys. Contradicting the very essence of what you preach. *fumes*
I'd like to end this entry on a lighter note, so please take a moment to settle your sight on the lovely image below. Thanks.
~~BTW where are all my artsy SF bears at?? I'm too shy to approach you guys. ;)
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